Tuesday 18 November 2008

Everything in a Different Light.

well the Gap year is here and its completely different to what i thought it was going to be like.I'm not sure weather i can say its better or worse than i was imagining because i haven’t yet to do most of the things that i have planned for it, one thing is for sure though.....i miss my friends that have gone to uni.

Money seems a real problem at the moment, the two part time jobs i have don’t have many hours going which could be just seen as unlucky as the games industry slows down in the creation side of things as Christmas comes along therefore less testing is needed. I’ve also gone to Reed, one of the job agencies within the UK but as expected not many jobs are going thanks to the economic climate that is effecting nearly the whole world as such.


Going on from money issues i have my holiday to New Zealand in January, I'm going for three weeks and i literally cannot wait to get out there. I’m going to meet some members of my family that I’ve never met before so it shall be an experience i don’t think I’ll ever forget. but yes back to money...i want to take at least 500 pounds out there as I’ve planned to do sky diving and bungee jumping at least! i just really hope i can get some work sorted out for then.

I'm looking forward to going on tour with Kill The Arcade again, i really like travelling its loads of fun getting to see different parts of the UK and so on. but i must stress that i dislike Nottingham. We always have a bit of a foul mood swing when we're in that city and I’m not sure why. Leeds is a different story, that place is full of literally the best looking people alive! my ambition is to move there once I have finished uni when I’m about...ohhh only 24 years old.


I’m off to continue playing football manager 09, I’ve got Burnley to the premiership so I’ve got to keep them up. no problem ;)


All the best

