Thursday 4 December 2008

The past week!

The past week has been so much fun!, after ages of not seeing my friend Will we spent the best part of the whole weekend together and just had such a sweet time.
It all Started on saturday after i finished a shift at work when Will picked me up to go to baisingstoke! we were going to do a photoshoot for his new range of clothing. The brand name is Preeben! you should check it out for sure! .

Modelling the clothes were a bunch of lovely girls who are known as the Duchess girls, and its fair to say i thought two of them were off their heads with a big sugar rush or something!. but it was such a laugh and we loved it.  Heres a shot!.

Once me and Will got back to his house we decided that we not only wanted a delicious pizza but also wants to get ab (For people that dont know, ab is a term to say you want to get so so drunk).
Will drove us to dominos and we got a meteora i think it was? or something along those lines, my input for the pizza was the amazing choice of base...."The Dominator" check it out for sure. anyway enough about food!, we also got a big bottle of Sailor Jerrys rum....Fuck..i forgot how DELICIOUS it was!.

The plan for the rest of the night was to go to our friend Danielle's 18th Birthday party in Maidenhead!, so already wasted we went and brought a couple of pitchers and god knows what from there. the night was a little hetic at que pasa to start but it calmed down and everyone was dancing and loving. it was really good to see some faces i havent seen in months. There was one point in the night when me and Will wanted to dash to Spoons for a cheap delicious, and for some reason we took a route around town taking 15 minutes when we could have just turned left and spoons would literally be in our face, Plenty of laughs.

After that was Phatz bar! i saw some of my old school friends and it was cool to catch up and...something else but lets not go into that now (H). will brought me this amazing shot, i cant remember at all what it tasted like but i remember loving so its fine, Phatz also tried charging me a shot for £3.50....i wasnt that drunk / was.

sunday = sleep.

Monday came and chrissie and sharon came to hang out at Wills, again more Sailor jerries! but we ran out too quickly and went onto other rum which just isnt as good!. sharon fell asleep after a massarge lulz.

probably so much more to be said, i'll make another entry soon as!
